Have you recently become a dog parent and adopted a cute best friend? When you become a dog parent, you have a lot to learn and a lot to experience along the way. It is not easy to be the parent to a beloved pet because they have a lot of duties that you need to carry out throughout their life. Being a dog parent is a commitment that spans across fifteen years and most of the time, they are going to have different requirements to live a good life. Being a first time dog parent is going to be hard because you will run in to a lot of mistakes and you would learn from these mistakes too. When you are a dog parent, the biggest need in your life is to ensure your dog is living their very best life. After all, they are going to be your best friends and offer you unconditional love. These are 3 questions to ask yourself when you are a dog parent;
Is your dog healthy, fit and active every day?
When you are looking at how to keep your pet healthy or how to look after your k9, keeping them active and fit is the main thing you need to do. If you are giving your pet three meals a day, including little snacks throughout the day and not giving them any exercise, then they are soon going to become obese. When your pet dog becomes obese, they are going to be inactive and would find themselves experiencing a lot of other health issues in the future. This is why you need to ensure that exercise is a part of their everyday life whether it is a brisk walk or a round of playing in the garden. You can also take your dog to a pet chiro as they are going to take a closer look at your dogs physique.
Is your pet dog eating the right diet for them?
The second thing to ask yourself is if your dog is eating the right diet. As humans eat many different things with ease, it is not the same for most domestic pets like dogs and cats. Common food such as coffee or chocolate is quite toxic for most dogs and should be avoided with other food such as sugar. Different dog breeds require different diets of fish, chicken and more. When you know what your dog loves to eat, you can create a steady diet for them with plenty of protein and plenty of vegetables as well.
Is your pet dog happy and content every day?
You need to ask yourself if your dog is living a life that is happy and content every day. When you are a dog parent, you need to properly understand what your dog is going to demand from you. They would always want unconditional love from you, plenty of pets and no isolation most of the time. This ensures they are happy, content and living a high quality life.